Wednesday, October 20, 2010

photography of furniture prototypes

photography of furniture prototypes

The photography session has been scheduled.
It will start at 8.45 am sharp on Friday 12 November. 

You must turn up on time, collect your furniture from the gallery and carry it down to the PA level 1 photography studio where Lynette Zeeng will photograph it for you.
She is giving up her valuable time to do this for you, so please be punctual and appreciative.

After it is photographed, you must take your furniture home - we have no where to store it afterwards.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

From here on in......

From here on in......

We are now at a critical stage of the furniture design project, with less than four weeks to go until the final presentation of prototypes.

So between now and then we have a lot of work to do...

1. finalise designs (we are mostly close here, but there is still some work to resolve detail design before prototyping begins

2. prototype - this will hopefully be a relatively simple process aided by the highly competent workshop technical staff - but expect things to go wrong and allow sufficient time to allow for the unexpected.
Please remember that we require a high level of finish - you can't rush it and get a good result. Plan carefully and work methodically

3. Folio - there is a project folio submission in week 12 (a week before the final presentation). This will include all project work so far and design documentation (technical drawings and the flip book - 

4. Flip book - you must make a step-by-step 'user animation sequence' of your furniture and submit as a bound flip book in week 12. I will show some examples in class next week.

5. Prototype presentation will be in the level 2 gallery on Monday 8 November form 12.30pm. Students will be expected to present their prototype and blog demonstrating function and relating their design to the Centre Place environment. You must attend all presentations, not just your own. Following the presentations, the furniture will be exhibited in the gallery for the rest of the week.

6. Photography of prototypes. We will photograph all prototypes in the level 1 photographic studio on either Friday 12 or Monday 15 November (to be confirmed soon).
Students must arrive at the appointed time, carry their furniture to the studio and after photography must take their prototype home (as we are very short on storage space).
Images will be made available on a DVD through the front counter for you to borrow and copy.

7. Blog - your blogs must be up-to-date and clearly show the whole design development process from research to prototype. Don't leave anything out - the design development assessment (30% of the project) will be marked from the folio and the blog.

8. Remaining classes. From now until the end of semester, design studio will start in the PA317/318 classroom and then move to the workshop after the first hour. We need to see everyone briefly in the studio and then you will be free to continue prototyping.

Good luck with your prototypes,

Ian and Justin

Monday, September 6, 2010

Knock it off: Our most copied designs Tim Elliott

Earlier this year, under the not-so-watchful gaze of bar staff, someone slashed a dozen or so designer lounge seats in Sydney's Park Hyatt Harbourbar. A motive for the attack, which police are investigating, is unclear. But many in Sydney's close-knit design community would like to see it as "design vigilantism", the opening shots in a battle between those who believe in original designs and those who make money by copying them.

The seats in question are copies of a design by Charles Wilson, whose award-winning furniture can be found in the Powerhouse Museum and NSW Government House.

"The whole design community knew that those seats were copies," says the founder of furniture-maker Woodmark, Arne Christiansen. "It's very disappointing to see that a five-star hotel would do that, especially as the copies were such terrible quality." (A hotel spokeswoman said the fit-out was done in 2007 by a third party; she also said she didn't know who Charles Wilson was.)

Copies, fakes, rip-offs, replicas - the debate over what might be called "design appropriation" has been raging since at least 1956, when the impeccably polite Charles Eames appeared with his wife, Ray, on NBC's Home show. Trademark bow tie slightly askew, Charles explained how his moulded plywood chairs were the result of "a mass-production technique", while his plastic seats were an attempt "to take a high-performance material developed during the war and try to make it available to householders at non-military prices".

Eames's vision of mass-produced and affordable furniture has indeed come to pass - though not how he might have imagined. Thanks to a boom in the replica market, any fiscally challenged home renovator can buy a knock-off Jacobsen Egg chair or Eero Saarinen Tulip table for a fraction of the price of the original. And why not? Who, apart from Paul Keating or Rose Porteous, would pay $6072 for an original Jacobsen Swan chair when you can pick up a replica for $249?

According to the managing director of the colossally successful replica business Matt Blatt, Adam Drexler, "the high selling cost of originals bears no resemblance to the actual manufacturing cost". Thanks to outfits such as his, "the public has become aware that owning good-quality design furniture doesn't mean you have to mortgage your house".

Drexler started Matt Blatt 10 years ago when he realised there were loopholes the size of Tasmania in Australia's intellectual property law. "Any item that has an active design registration cannot legally be copied," he explains. But not all designers register and, when they do, it is only good for 10 years. (In Europe, registration lasts 25 years.) "The Eames Lounge chair was designed in 1956," Drexler says. "There is no possibility of an existing design registration for it; hence, we can legally copy it and sell it." The fact that the word "Eames" is trademarked means Drexler cannot sell the Eames Lounge chair. "But we can sell the same design and call it the 'replica Eames Lounge chair' ... you are informing the public that this is not a licensed copy ... and that you are not passing it off as such."

Replicas have been good to Drexler, who reportedly drives a (real) Porsche 911. "But you know," he says, "there are a lot of people out there who don't like us." He receives many lawyers' letters telling him to stop selling unlicensed products. "I once asked my wife if it was good karma to have so many [competitors] hate us," he says. "She replied, 'Think of all the people who love us'. "

Richard Munao is not one of those people. He runs Corporate Culture, which has an exclusive licence to sell many iconic furniture designs in Australia. He also founded the Authentic Design Alliance two years ago with four other furniture suppliers. "Replicas are damaging the design industry in this country," Munao says. "What incentive is there for a young designer to innovate, if the minute you develop something successful someone steals it?"

It is not just the classics being ripped off, Munao says, but contemporary Australian designers such as Matt Sheargold, Ross Didier and Charles Wilson. "These young designers often work off royalties; when someone copies their work, they miss out on that money," he says.

He insists his store is not losing market share (though notes that Matt Blatt's Leichhardt showroom is 3800 square metres "while ours is only 1100 square metres"). The alliance's real mission, Munao says, is education. "If you look at the countries that are famous for design ... it's because respect for design is ingrained in their culture. We don't have that here. People don't really appreciate the value of original design, which is why we can have the prime minister appear in a photo shoot on a fake Jacobsen Egg chair. That would never happen in Denmark; it would be totally taboo."

He also dislikes the word replica. "Replica implies that it's made to the designer's original specifications, or that it is somehow endorsed by the designer." Besides, he says, originals last longer and maintain their resale value.

Like many replica barons, Drexler says that stores such as his help democratise fine design. Rather than damage the industry, replicas "educate, develop and broaden tastes in design, which in turn can drive the growth in the overall industry".

Young designers have mixed feelings about knock-offs. "I am not such a purist," Charles Wilson says. "I believe that after a certain period of time, a cantilevered tubular chair becomes a generic type and not a Bauhaus original. There is also an argument that if the companies that produce Eames and Jacobsen weren't living off the royalties from their old designs, they might be more inclined to invest in stuff by new designers."

When the designer is alive though, it's different. "That's theft," Wilson says. He discovered the copies of his lounge chairs at the Park Hyatt last year when he took clients there. "For a brief moment I thought I was in luck as the meeting could take place on my own designs." He has no idea who slashed the chairs but hopes it was "someone who feels very strongly about original design".

Perhaps the last word should go to to the high priest of haute design himself, Charles Eames, who once remarked: "We want to make the best for the most for the least." Then again, he also said: "What I really want is a black with feeling." Go figure.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Waste not want not

In our day to day lives, the things around us serve useful needy purposes. They do however carry an increasingly large environmental ruck-sack. As designers we should be aware when making decisions regarding the use of materials and process which direction to take.

In today's class you are to present a brief summary of the recycled materials you have chosen and collected to use in your design. Make sure you start to think about what types of designs that will best work for these chosen parts.

Your ideas can be a scale model 1:5 or a short video capturing the essence of your design.

You have 1.5 hours to collect your thoughts and ideas, the last 30 minutes of class time to present your work.

Good luck!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Fibonacci Number Project

Using nature as inspiration try and identify the Fibonacci sequence in nature and apply it to a seating system design.

The design may be mudular and may be an abstracted design, but it must be made to scale of 1:5 with the seating area at between 400-450mm from the horizontal ground surface.

Working in groups of 2-3 people you have 90 minutes to design and make your piece, make sure to photograph the outcome and post it on your blog.

You will be supplied with wire and hand pliers, you are also able to use paper and cardboard to complete the project.

In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers are the numbers in the following sequence:

Good luck!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Reverse Art Truck Inc.

Reverse Art Truck Inc. is a non profit organization which collects rejects, seconds and factory offcuts for distribution to schools, early learning centres, community groups and individuals.

Reverse Art Truck has become so popular that it now provides materials to thousands of members. Our sole aim is to provide you with a large variety of affordable resource materials and to educate on the benefits of re-using to recycle and reduce.

ADDRESS:17 Greenwood Avenue Ringwood VICTORIA 3134
CONTACT: (03) 9879 1264

Cardboard stool project

Fluted cardboard is an incredible material,  in the class project you will construct a stool using only the cardboard sheet provided.

Take a close look at the image above of a cardboard stool that holds up to 150kg by Australian designer Anthony Dann. LINK

Sketch the basics of this design in groups and explore how triangulation is used to give the stool its strength.

Once you are ready start to develop your own design and remember to keep the proportions within a bounding box 450 x 450 x 450mm.

Good Luck!